Board Member Remote Voting

When it is a matter of remote voting for board members, the rule of thumb is that any decision that is ratified by a majority of all participants in the meeting (and exempting abstentions) is valid. This is true, except if a statute, administrative code provision, by-law, board policy or board policy states that it is not.

If your board has a specific procedure for remote voting, you should look over it and ensure it is being followed. If you do decide to allow remote voting, you must also ensure that quorum has been met and the board management software permits an unsecure, transparent and precise vote.

In the past the time a board would vote to pass a motion, they could typically use ballots distributed in advance or record the results using a roll call. However, with the advances in technology and the necessity to run meetings remotely, it makes sense to utilize the power of virtual voting that enables members to express their decisions quickly. The MeetingPulse platform, for instance, lets members vote remotely and can be accessed on any device that has internet connectivity. It’s also simple to use and offers enterprise-level security.

Whichever method you decide to use the best way to make sure that board members feel confident in their decisions is to motivate them actively to participate during discussions. This will encourage participation and ensure best practices in planning effective meetings that the voices of all are heard, reducing the possibility that a member will be able to challenge the final results.

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